Summary Of Plastic Restriction Orders Of Various-5

01/06/2023 By Biyun Yuan




Bill No. 263/2018 has been raised by the Brazilian Senate proposing the prohibition of the use of plastic microparticles in the composition of cosmetic products, and the prohibition of the manufacturing, importation, distribution (even if free of charge), and the marketing of plastic bags for packaging and transportation of goods, as well as disposable plastic utensils for the consumption of food and beverages, with the exception of those made with integrally biodegradable material.





In Bulgaria, the Ordinance for Determining the Order of Payment and Amount of the Product Fee provides for a fee to be paid upon placing on the market, in the Republic of Bulgaria, plastic shopping bags and products, which form mass waste after they are used. Where those who place plastic shopping bags on the market cannot be identified, distributors, including those selling to end consumers, shall have the same obligations.

A product fee is paid for a few categories, including (i) packaged goods or packaging material, when used for packaging of goods at the location of sale, and (ii) plastic shopping bags, including oxidisable plastic shopping bags.



A product fee is not due for:

  • plastic shopping bags, which cumulatively meet the following conditions:
  • the thickness of the bag is at least 25 microns (µm);
  • the minimum dimensions of the bag shall be 390 mm and 490 mm when unfolded;
  • have markings with inscriptions in Bulgarian, printed on each package of the bags or on the bags themselves, which must contain:
  • the name, registered office and address of the person who places the bags on the market;
  • designation: “reusable bag”.
  • very thin plastic shopping bags without gripping method;
  • plastic shopping bags, meeting the standard EN 13432, marked with inscriptions in Bulgarian, which must contain:
  • the name, registered office and address of the person who places the bags on the market;
  • labelling: “the bag is biodegradable”;
  • date of manufacture and expiry date.

As a general rule, the product fee is included in the price of the product. The exception is plastic shopping bags (other than those listed above) that are only available for a fee to consumers at the point of sale of the goods or products.




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