Summary Of Plastic Restriction Orders Of Various Countries-2


12/05/2022 By Biyun Yuan




On 13 June 2021, the State Government announced Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics.

The Plan for Plastics was released in response to community feedback and provides a roadmap towards a more sustainable, plastic-free WA. The plan is consistent with the waste hierarchy by promoting actions that:

  • prioritise avoiding single-use plastics
  • replace single-use items with reusable alternatives wherever possible
  • promote non-plastic single-use alternatives that can be recovered, recycled or composted if it is not possible to use reusable items
  • minimise litter or contamination of waste treatment facilities by not using single-use plastic



The plan includes introducing regulations to ban single-use plastic items in a two-stage approach. Stage 1 (short-term actions) regulations commenced from 1 January 2022 and has now been completed. Stage 2 (medium-term actions) regulations commence in February 2023 with various transition periods for enforcement based on each item.

The Stage 1 bans included: 

  • plates
  • unlidded bowls
  • cutlery
  • drink stirrers
  • drinking straws
  • unlidded cups for cold beverages
  • thick plastic shopping bags
  • expanded polystyrene (EPS) takeaway food containers
  • helium balloon releases
  • unlidded takeaway food containers.


Find out more about the Stage 1 ban, its implementation and supporting resources.

Australia will take an education-first approach as part of the introduction of these changes.

Email compliance enquiries to or call 6364 6651.

Stage 2 single-use or disposable plastic items to be phased out from February 2023 include:

  • expanded polystyrene packaging
  • degradable plastics (plastics designed to break up more rapidly into fragments under certain conditions).
  • barrier/produce bags
  • expanded polystyrene cups
  • coffee cups and lids
  • lids for cups, bowls and takeaway food containers
  • cotton buds with plastic shafts, and

Find out more about Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics Stage 2 .



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